Hello everyone
Based on Disaster v11
Big thanks to Mirko ddd
LSN JB 4.1.2
I did some changes and additions in rom
Original camera
Change the picture messages to s4
Add and renewal of Wallpaper s4 & htc1
Arabic language support 100%
Multiple windows
With the hold back button to hide/show
InkEffect custom color in ripple lockscreen
Change icons to s4
S memo - s3 - + widget
Trans_AccuWeather Widget S4
OGYouTube for Download
Gallery note2
popup broser
Shortcut task manager
super us updated
Contacts s4 Photos
CRT-Off (toggleable)
Volume Rocker mod
(skip songs through volume buttons, working with all music players and with FM support) (toggleable)
5 icons on circle lockscreen
ripple lockscreen
AOSP lockscreen
LG like lockscreen
no homebutton lag
removed low battery dialogs
ink effect for ripple lockscreen
4 way to reboot
screenshot on power menu
wifi AP on power menu
removed and disabled help text on lockscreen
torch on lockscreen
phone and mms shortcut on AOSP lockscreen
Bypassed kill all dialog
real time stamp on received sms/mms
no conversion mms/sms
unlimited recipient
no end call delay
non increasing ringtone (toggleable)
call recording
separated toggle button
Fully customizable clock (color, position, add date, am/pm)
Customizable clock and date actions on expanded status bar (launch actions and app u desire)
Customize toggles
Hide show toggles by settings button single press
Hide/show brightness bar (settings)
Customize battery (position, type)
Toggles autoscroll speed increased
WifiAP toggle
Statusbar color
.Display settings
DPI settings
Notification panel settings
- kernel -
Siyah v6.0b5
- Deleted programs -
AllSharePlay - Books
ChatON - Days
GameHub - HelpHub
Magazines - MusicHub
OceanWeather - PressReader
ReadersHub - SecMemo
SecMemoWidget - VideoHub
WeatherWall - Zinio
103 mb
- Download Rom-
- Control Rom -
- Download Programs Deleted -
through cwm
- Before installation -
- how to install -
Copy Hassan Rom in your Phone
Take a backup
go to Recovery mode - turn of your device and hold volume up + home + power-
Wipe data factory reset - wipe cache & system
Select install zip from sd card and choose Hassan Rom
wait ..
reboot the device
If there is a problem with the CRT-Off
Just go to stweaks - screen
Find - FB earl ysuspend delay
And make it 100 And press Apply
- old version -
lsd v3.1
- Download -
Thanks very much , very very much bods