بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
Apolo JB 4.8
الجديد في الاصدار 4.8
- Bilingual CWM recovery(Spanish-English). Default: English
(you can change language in Extras Apolo)
- Fixed toggle ctr-off in CWM recovery
- Default backup format set to tar in CWM
- Updated TWRP recovery to version 2.5 (Thx Jeboo for sources). Added Preload support.
- Two new minimum brightness levels in manual mode (lower than stock)
- Fixed init.d. Now kernel considers all scripts in /system/etc/init.d
- Fixed BLN test in Configurator
- CWM and TWRP recovery (thanks to Jeboo).
- No logs, no extra debugging
- install su, supersu. Support init.d and cifs (scripts in init.d must be named starting with an S)
- MDNIE Sharpness by Hardcore
- Ondemand Tweaked by Hardcore
- Added some governors (specially tweaked slp and zzmoove)
- Scheduler changing enabled
- BLN enable (Since Apolo 4.5 BLNWW too)
- CRT-OFF enable
- Effective Underclock (max frequency limited)
- UV Interface for ARM (you can change voltages in ARM with external aplications)
- Kernel Includes frandom for using with CrossBreeder (I really recomend it, Thx idcrisis)
- No Overclock and no different CPU-GPU steps from stock
توجد اكثر من نسخة
هل اعجبك الموضوع ؟ شاركه مع اصدقائك
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
Apolo JB 4.8
الجديد في الاصدار 4.8
- Bilingual CWM recovery(Spanish-English). Default: English
(you can change language in Extras Apolo)
- Fixed toggle ctr-off in CWM recovery
- Default backup format set to tar in CWM
- Updated TWRP recovery to version 2.5 (Thx Jeboo for sources). Added Preload support.
- Two new minimum brightness levels in manual mode (lower than stock)
- Fixed init.d. Now kernel considers all scripts in /system/etc/init.d
- Fixed BLN test in Configurator
- CWM and TWRP recovery (thanks to Jeboo).
- No logs, no extra debugging
- install su, supersu. Support init.d and cifs (scripts in init.d must be named starting with an S)
- MDNIE Sharpness by Hardcore
- Ondemand Tweaked by Hardcore
- Added some governors (specially tweaked slp and zzmoove)
- Scheduler changing enabled
- BLN enable (Since Apolo 4.5 BLNWW too)
- CRT-OFF enable
- Effective Underclock (max frequency limited)
- UV Interface for ARM (you can change voltages in ARM with external aplications)
- Kernel Includes frandom for using with CrossBreeder (I really recomend it, Thx idcrisis)
- No Overclock and no different CPU-GPU steps from stock
توجد اكثر من نسخة
هل اعجبك الموضوع ؟ شاركه مع اصدقائك
ممكن اعدادات برنامج كيرنل ابولو
ردحذفتفضل اخي رابط المتجر